From Innovation to Integration: Connecting Taiwan Entrepreneurs to Global Networks / 創新 整合 國際接軌

  • 2014/11/20(木) 16:30(+0800) ~ 18:30(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google カレンダー )
  • 台北市花博公園Maji美食廣場 / 台北市中山區玉門街1號, 捷運圓山站1號出口 (Maji Square, Taipei Expo Park Complex / 1 Yumen St., Zhongshan District., Taipei; MRT Tamsui, Yuanshan Station Exit No.1)
  • 國家發展委員會 主催組織にお問い合わせ


國發會(NDC)與美國在臺協會(AIT) 將於1031120 ()16:30-18:30 舉辦一場輕鬆的交流座談,

主題訂為「創新 整合 國際接軌」(From innovation to Integration: Connecting Taiwan Entrepreneurs to Global Networks)

除了管中閔主委及美國首席副助理國務卿Kurt Tong 會出席外,也特別邀請了Intel Capital負責亞太地區投資的總經理 Mr. Sudheer Kuppam、Microsoft 總經理 康容(Rong Kang)、矽谷天使群共同主席 鄭志凱(CK Cheng)以及阿碼科技執行長 黃耀文(Wayne Huang) 共同與會,盛況可期。


讓我們一同在這個融合了美食、原創商品、音樂與藝術的生活市集空間,伴隨著陣陣掠過的飛機聲響,享受一個愉悅輕鬆又充滿異國風味的傍晚 :)

In light of the importance of innovation to economic development and job creation, countries around the world are promoting policies to attract investment and boost entrepreneurship to lead transformation to knowledge- and service-based economies. With its long history of nourishing pioneering high-technology startups, Silicon Valley is known globally as an example of building an ecosystem in which entrepreneurs and start-ups not only have access to the resources to develop their ideas, but also to commercialize them on a global scale. 

Thanks to its strong educational and research foundations, well-developed links into the global supply chain, and solid manufacturing and high-technology competencies, Taiwan has great potential to develop into a world-class startup cluster. This panel with U.S. and Taiwan experts will discuss how Taiwan can strengthen its linkages with Silicon Valley and other international centers of innovation, particularly in areas such as hardware, software integration, and attracting venture investors and international knowledge workers.


  • Welcome Remarks

Minister Chung-Ming Kuan, National Development Council (國發會管中閔主委)

  • Opening Remarks

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Kurt Tong, US Department of State Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs

  • Panel Discussion


  • Mr. Sudheer Kuppam, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Intel Capital/ Vice President, Intel Corporation
  • Mr. Chih-Kai Cheng, Co-Chairman of SVT Angels (SVT 天使投資群共同主席鄭志凱)
  • Mr. Roan Kang, General Manager of Marketing and Operations, Microsoft Taiwan (台灣微軟營運暨行銷事業群總經理康容)
  • Mr. Wayne Huang, Founder&CEO, Armorize Corporation (阿碼科技執行長黃耀文)
  • Q & A
  • Cocktail Reception and Networking


Brief Introduction of Speakers, Moderator & Panalists

「創新 整合 國際接軌」座談會貴賓及與談人資料

一、Kurt Tong

  • 現任

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary

Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs

US Department of State

Kurt Tong has served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs at the Department of State since July 2014.

Before joining the Bureau, Mr. Tong served for three years as the Deputy Chief of Mission in Tokyo, Japan. Prior to his time in Tokyo, he was the U.S. Ambassador for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), managing all aspects of U.S. participation in APEC, while concurrently serving as the Economic Coordinator for the State Department's Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, organizing bureau-wide efforts on economic policy.

Mr. Tong has been an economic affairs diplomat for the State Department since 1990, including service as Director for Asian Economic Affairs at the National Security Council from 2006 to 2008 and as Economic Minister-Counselor in Seoul from 2003 to 2006. Prior to that, he was Counselor for Environment, Science and Health in Beijing and served as Deputy Treasury Attaché in Tokyo and as an economic officer in Manila. Mr. Tong was a Visiting Scholar at the Tokyo University Faculty of Economics from 1995 to 1996. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, he was an Associate with the Boston Consulting Group in Tokyo.

Mr. Tong holds a B.A. from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, and studied graduate-level economics at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute. He has also studied at the Beijing Institute of Education, Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies in Taipei, Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Tokyo, and International Christian University in Tokyo.

Mr. Tong speaks and reads Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. He has published articles in Foreign Policy and Nihon Keizai Kenkyu (an academic journal of the Japan Center for Economic Research). He was born in Ohio and raised in Massachusetts, and enjoys soccer, tennis and other sports.


二、Sudheer K. Kuppam

  • 現任

Managing Director at Intel Capital in

Asia Pacific Region


  • 曾任
  • Engineering manager overseeing R&D, manufacturing and HVM transfer in Intel's Technology & Manufacturing Group.
  • Process development engineer at LSI Logic.
  • 學歷:Master's, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (美國倫斯勒理工學院碩士)、Bachelor's, Indian Institute of Technology(印度理工學院學士)


Sudheer Kuppam is part of the Investment Committee that approves investments in this region. Based out of India, Sudheer manages a team of investment professionals located in Bangalore, Hong Kong, Mumbai, New Delhi, Singapore and Tokyo. He is also responsible for the $250M Intel Capital India Technology Fund. 

Under his leadership, Sudheer and his team invested over $275M in the region since 2007 and drove multiple exits for Intel Capital globally, including Powertech (Taiwan)-PIPE deal; Epichem (UK) – Acquired by SIAL; Clearshape (US) – Acquired by Cadence; Trichem (Japan) – IPO; NIIT (India) – PIPE deal; Sasken (India) – IPO; Sharekhan (India) – Acquired by Citi. Sudheer is a board observer at Real Image Media Technologies Pvt Ltd.


【Intel Capital簡介】

  • Intel Capital, Intel's global investment organization, makes equity investments in innovative technology start-ups and companies worldwide.
  • Intel Capital invests in a broad range of companies offering hardware, software, and services targeting enterprise, mobility, consumer Internet, digital media and semiconductor manufacturing.
  • Since 1991, Intel Capital has invested more than US$11 billion in over 1,400 companies in 57 countries. In that timeframe, 209 portfolio companies have gone public on various exchanges around the world and 363 were acquired or participated in a merger.
  • In 2013, Intel Capital invested US$333 million in 146 investments. As of 10/31/2014, Intel Capital has invested $344 million in 120 investments including 55 new deals. For more information on Intel Capital and its differentiated advantages, visit or follow @intelcapital.

三、鄭志凱(Chih-Kai Cheng)

  • 現任
    • 聯訊創投公司(Harbinger Venture)
    • SVT天使投資群共同主席

(Co-Chairman of SVT Angels)

  • 曾任
    • 美國聯強國際(Synnex)、台灣神達
  • 美西玉山科技協會理事長
  • 學歷:交通大學管理科學研究所碩士、台灣清華大學物理系學士




  • 矽谷是全世界創新創業文化的領導者,成立SVT天使群就是希望建構一個有助創新創業的平台,將矽谷創新創業的文化轉移到台灣。
  • SVT Angels首任會長由美國那斯達克上市公司 AXT 董事長、同時也是美通創投執行合夥人的陳勁初出任。二位副會長為聯訊創投公司共同創辦人及總經理鄭志凱與橡子園創投公司的合夥人王大成。
  • 俱樂部現有的 18 名成員均為台灣背景、矽谷功創業的企家和投人士,除了陳勁初、鄭志凱與王大成外,還有朱偉人、陳五福、臧大化和林富元,亞太基金管理合伙人焦生海、天使創投家邱俊邦、智融美洲董事長莊人川和楊耀武、The Vertical Grou執行合伙人張有德、Vivo Ventures共同創辦人孔繁建、華星光通董事長龔行憲、 美科創投執行合伙人李家榮、建漢科董事長李廣益、Spring Creek總裁沙正治、Innobridge Capital Management合夥人翁嘉盛。

四、康容 (Roan Kang)

  • 40歲,現任台灣微軟營運暨行銷事業群總經理
  • 曾任
    • 日本微軟資訊工作者事業部總經理

(Business Group Lead)

  • 微軟國際業務總部總裁 JPC 幕僚長

(Business Manager)

  • 擔任董事長(Bill Gates)執行文膽

(Chairman's Executive Speechwriter)

  • 微軟全球產品上市主管 (Worldwide

 Launch Lead)

  • 微軟總部資深產品經理
  • 時代華納行銷部行銷經理
  • 學歷:史丹佛大學商學院企管碩士、哈佛大學東亞研究學士


As the General Manager of Marketing and Operations for Microsoft Taiwan, Roan Kang is responsible for strategic planning, marketing, communications, and business operations of the subsidiary. His responsibilities cover all Microsoft products and services, including Azure and Office 365 Cloud services, Surface and Xbox devices, and software products such as Windows, Office, and SQL Server. His primary accountabilities include revenue, profit, and market share growth, competitive strategy, and customer and partner satisfaction.

 Before this role, Roan spent three years in Japan where he was the Office Business Group Lead, responsible for the Office family of products and services, including Office, Exchange, SharePoint, Lync, Project, Visio, and Office 365 Cloud services. Before that, he was in France for two years as the business manager for Microsoft International, covering all sales, marketing, and services worldwide outside of North America. Previously, Roan spent six years at the corporate headquarters in Redmond, Washington in various roles including OneNote product manager, Office 2007 worldwide launch lead, and speechwriter for Bill Gates.

Roan also previously worked as a marketing manager at the media company Time Warner. He holds an MBA from Stanford University and a bachelor in East Asian Studies from Harvard University. In his free time, Roan enjoys reading, running, sailing, international cuisines, and spending time with his wife and two children.


  • 康容原任日本微軟資訊工作者事業部總經理 (Business Group Lead),負責 Office 產品及雲端服務的銷售、行銷和營運。在其協助下,日本微軟營收超過 24 億美元,年複合成長率達 9 %,並於 2011 及 2012 年獲評微軟年度「最佳表現分公司」。同時,他連續兩年獲選為最具潛力的資深領導階層的主管後選人。
  • 康容曾任國際業務總裁的幕僚長 (Business Manager),以微軟國際業務總部 (Microsoft International, MSI) 總裁的幕僚長身分,協助擬定策略及執行方案。MSI掌管超過200個市場,250 億美元營收。
  • 擁有前瞻國際視野,除曾任微軟國際業務總部總裁 JPC 的幕僚長,協助擬定策略及執行方案,提升業務發展及創造業務營收,更曾任Bill Gates執行文膽 Speech Writer ,每年幫蓋茲撰寫超過 150 篇演講稿,並負責推動創新與企業公民等公司倡議。
  • 擔任全球產品上市主管期間,主導 Windows Vista、Office 2007 及 Exchange Server 2007 (營收總計 280 億美元)的聯合上市。負責管理2,400萬美元上市預算。傑出表現榮獲第二座金獎 (Gold Star,不到1 %的員工能獲此殊榮)。
  • 擔任資深產品經理期間,負責兩項新 Office 產品的上市 : OneNote (第一年銷售達 1,000 萬美元) 和 InfoPath (新增至 Office 套裝軟體)。因傑出表現榮獲金星獎,以及成功拿下 Toshiba 案子獲得 CSI 優勝獎。


【Microsoft Venture Incubator微軟創投加速器】

  • 微軟創投加速器是世界上最大的創業加速器計畫之一,輔導新創公司邁向國際,全球共有七個據點為印度班加羅爾、中國大陸北京、英國倫敦、法國巴黎、德國柏林、以色列特拉維夫、美國西雅圖。
  • 微軟創投加速器每期為期六個月,免費提供辦公室、導師群、培訓課程、雲端服務等,不向新創企業索取股份回報,與更多市場合作夥伴共同打造全球化的創業生態圈,協助新創企業成功走向世界。
  • 微軟推出加速器計畫至今,已成功加速了205家初創企業。新創企業在享受加速器所提供的支援和資源的同時,能夠第一時間把握全球創新創業最新趨勢,鍛造全球化的眼界和格局。


四、黃耀文 (Wayne Huang)

  • 38歲,現任阿碼科技創辦人暨執行長;


  • 曾任
  • 中研院資通安全專題中心資深顧問
  • 1993年曾參與資迅人創業計畫
  • 學歷:交通大學資訊工程系學士及碩士、



Wayne Huang was Founder & CEO to Armorize Technologies, and is now VP Engineering at Proofpoint. Wayne is a frequent speaker at security conferences including BlackHat (10), DEFCON (10), RSA (07, 10), SyScan (08, 09), OWASP (08, 09), Hacks in Taiwan (06, 07), WWW (03, 04), PHP (07) and DSN (04). A diligent blogger on cyberthreats, Wayne's posts have been covered by the most influential media.

Into security since 7th grade, Wayne has lead teams to develop security products ranging from source code analysis, web application firewall, vulnerability assessment, exploit & malware detection, anti-malvertising, email security, and APT defense.

Wayne received his PhD in EE from National Taiwan University, and his BS and MS in CS from NCTU. He holds two US patents on source code analysis.


  • 阿碼科技公司專長於化解雲端及次世代資安威脅,2013年獲美商Proofpoint 公司以2,500萬美元併購,為近10年來台灣軟體商被收購的最高金額。
  • 曾榮獲Red Herring全球創意百強企業(Red Herring Global Innovator’s Pit)。


  • 美商阿碼證點國際股份有限公司台灣分公司,由黃耀文、黃耀明兄弟創辦,成立於2006年(2005年始於南港育成中心),資本額2.1億元,員工數目70人;研發總部位於台北南港軟體園區,另在美國加州Santa Clara有辨公室。
  • 公司類型為軟體業,資訊安全公司;阿碼科技公司專經於「惡意廣告、APT針對式攻擊 」防制,並提供「檢測平台」。
  • 投資包括Skype創業團隊創投Ambient Sound Investments、Birch Venture Capital、知名創投家沙正治、漢鼎創投及華南金控等。
  • 2013年8月被那斯達克上市公司美商Proofpoint(美國郵件防毒領域領導廠商)以2,500萬美元(約新台幣7.5億元)併購,創下近十年來台灣軟體商被收購的最高金額。
  • 公司榮獲Red Herring亞洲科技百強(Red Herring Asia 100)、Red Herring全球創意百強企業(Red Herring Global Innovator’s Pit)、經濟部傑出資訊應用暨產品獎及新創事業獎(2006年)、2009年 HackAlert™ 榮獲 ideas show 評審獎殊榮,並受邀至聖地牙哥 Demo 展示。




台北市花博公園Maji美食廣場 / 台北市中山區玉門街1號, 捷運圓山站1號出口 (Maji Square, Taipei Expo Park Complex / 1 Yumen St., Zhongshan District., Taipei; MRT Tamsui, Yuanshan Station Exit No.1)


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2014/11/13 00:00(+0800) ~ 2014/11/20 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料